According to the recent fireside chat with Columtreal University Administrators, Columtreal University’s Greek Organizations are on the decline. With a rich history of sororities and fraternities believed to enhance the student experience with scholarly recognition, community service, and social collaboration it would be a shame to see the end of Greek Life at CU.
When asked why so many of our Greek Organizations have been disappearing, the Adminstration explained that the Greek Nationals had been revoking charters for various violations, decline in activity, and poor recruitment. While it seems that there is a larger power at work in shutting down our beloved Greek Organizations, we still have the ability to hang on to our time honored traditions of keggers and mixers.
With so many charters being revoked, there is now room for NEW Greek Organizations. It’s up to the student body to take the initiative to band together with like-minded individuals and create a charter that would adhere to the rules of both Nationals and CU Administration.
For more details, talk to your friendly Student Life staff. It’s time to offer a new spin on the classic college experience. What letters will YOU be wearing this fall?
((OOC Note: Please see the following guidelines for starting your new student organization.
Guidelines for Campus Student Organizations
Sports Teams
Greek Life
I. Becoming an Organization
a. Develop a Group Name
b. Write a proposal and submit to Dannika Dryke or Tessi Snowpaw
i. Proposal should include the following:
1. Name of Organization
2. Name of Founder (Initial Leader)
3. Description/Purpose of Group
4. Explanation of how the group relates to campus life (if not self-explanatory)
5. Goals for upcoming RP opportunities.
c. Generate Interest (5 person minimum)
d. Once approved, the group will be created by a General Manager (Or one of their alt characters) and the member list will be added.
II. Maintaining Active Status
a. Must have an active leader (Present, Chair Person, etc) who maintains necessary contact with General Managers and is in the “CU Associated Students” group for communication with Organization Leaders.
b. Must have active membership
c. Must not let OOC drama cripple the original purpose of the group
d. Must not let the group’s initiatives conflict with the best interest of the campus RP community
III. Functions of the Group Leadership
a. Adding members from the group
b. Promoting the group
c. Developing RP opportunities for the group
IV. General Managers Role within the group
a. Like their roles for the campus as a whole, the GMs in the group will serve as mediators for OOC conflicts.
b. GMs will also ensure that the group remains active
c. GMs may suspend the activities of the group if conflicts cannot be resolved and/or the group is no longer adding to the overall interest of the campus RP community
V. Sports Team Specific Rules
a. Must have coach(s)
b. Must have captain(s)
c. Must have uniform
i. Uniform must be able to be given to new members or purchased by new members easily
VI. Greek Life Specific Rules
a. Must have a pledging period
b. May be suspended ICly for behaviors related to the group))