Controversial Parole Officer Sparks Shoot Out At Lou’s Bar, Several Officers Injured

5 mins read
Several Officers lay injured and in need of medical attention as Lauren Russo is carried out on a stretcher
Several Officers lay injured and in need of medical attention as Lauren Russo is carried out on a stretcher

Lou’s bar was the scene of a chaotic bar brawl which ended with several officers of the Hathian Police Department wounded and needing medical assistance. Gun shots were fired, leaving medical physician Lauren Russo with a bullet wound to her lower abdomen after being shot at by Officer Tony Cordelio. Officer Calleigh Kharg and Cordelio, as well as parole officer Jesus Montana, were also injured, with Kharg and Montana needing serious medical attention. The shoot out involved up to six members of the HPD against three members of the public, identified as: Ipos, Russo and O’Morain. Bystanders watched in amazement as the bar, which remained shut for the remainder of the day after the incident, blew up into a huge fight with knives being drawn and guns fired, with O’Morain tazered as Russo and her friend Ipos struggled against officers.

Parole officer Montana pulls out pepper spray as Detective Gutter puts his tazer to use

The shoot out occured as a result of a provocation between parole officer Montana and Russo, who quickly reacted with anger, although she was soon restrained by the bouncer of the bar, East Renegade, 21. However, things took a more violent turn as O’Morain rushed in to throw a punch at Detective Gutter, who pulled out his tazer to deal with O’Morain as she rushed at him. Russo, enraged, threw a knife at the parole officer as things quickly escalated, with Officer Kharg attacked by Russo’s friend Ipos, dragging her towards the back doorway of the bar as he attempted to disarm her. Officer Cordelio appeared on scene, firing his gun at Russo as the knife struck it’s intended target-wounding bar bouncer Renegade in the process – but not before Montana managed to use his pepper spray which unfortunately resulted in Officer Kharg collapsing in an apparent reaction to the spray and her injuries. Montana collapsed, bleeding intensively from a wound to his stomach and injury to his spleen. Ipos turned on Officer Cordelio, managing to overpower the officer and disarm him, while forcing him to the ground, kicking him repeatedly until he lost conciousness.

The chaotic shoot out involved up to six members of the HPD force in an attempt to regain order in the bar

Officers Choi Zhangsun, Harper and Moromashi crept around the back entry of the bar and were able to subdue Ipos, with Officer Harper tackling Ipos to the ground after launching himself at the man. Moromashi and Zhangsun helped to cuff and detain Ipos as the ambulance was called and paramedics entered to see to the wounded officers as well as carrying out Russo, 23, on a stretcher.

With three successful arrests made and the explosive riot at the bar over, there remains controversy over parole officer Montana, 35,  as he appeared to have been the catalyst behind the riotious events in the bar. Montana is currently one of two parole officers employed by the HPD and his recent arrival on the job has sparked off several strong reactions to his methods, by those assigned to him as well as those who work alongside him. The Observer managed to reach Montana, recovering from his wounds in Hathian General Hospital,  to get this statement:

The days of criminals running this town are over.  Im here to clean up this town and make them pay for thier actions. I have a zero tolerance policy towards people who break the terms of their parole and if people don’t like the way I do things-tough.”

Time will tell if Montana is capable of doing his job without putting the lives of others at risk.

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