Counting Beans

2 mins read

Where is the money that you buy your Grande Mocha Late really going to?  Several citizens have voiced a concern to authorities that since the Daily Grind (DG) has changed hands that there has been an increase in criminal and gang activity around the area.  There have been a series of robberies and shootings in front of and inside the iconic coffee shop found on Main St in the center of the city.  Though most of the robberies only achieved  amounts only in the hundreds, this still does not deter what appears to be a very determined bunch of people.  Rader Records is located directly across the street, usually buzzing with a fare amount of people, most of them employees or common place customers.

When asked anything about what was going on across the street, no one would respond with much more than “I don’t know they serve coffee there?”  When the Police were asked about the situation they refused to comment, only stating that it was an on going investigation.  Upon closer inspection the new manager is known only as ‘Rippen‘ Dagger, alleged mistress of late Captain Moheny, who was killed in an altercation at the local Lou’s Bar.  Mrs. Dagger is also said to be an active member of Cerberus, a local street gang.

The shop workers have pleaded from help from local officals, but with no end in sight citizens are warned to watch out of mask wearing indivuals around the area of the coffee shop. “If people would get their head out of their ass and pay attention some of this might not happen” one citizen was qouted as he was handed the wrong coffee. “Some people just dont get it, I pay good money for my coffee, and this is just highway robbery.” Next time you go in for your expensive capachino or chi tea, make sure that you take your own can of mase for protection, one can never be to careful.

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