Lingerie Bowl Returns to Columtreal

1 min read

Since the pilot game that was held late last November was such a huge success, coordinators Valena Dowe and Aizzel Beck decided to turn the one time charity event into a reoccurring sporting match.

This season’s game will be held on January 29th, a week before the famed Super Bowl hits the airwaves and is broadcast over the country to millions of viewers. Of course, the game at Columtreal won’t be nearly as popular, but it seems to be a favourite of Hathianites across the city.

“I think it’s an awesome thing,” says Ellis Millet, approving of the now reoccurring games. “Girls throwing balls and tackling each other in skimpy clothes for a good cause? I’m all for it”

Once again, the Lingerie Bowl will sponsor the Hathian Cancer Trust, which raises money to support those with cancer to help pay for treatments and other things they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. Donations will be accepted at the event, and are accepted all year round by Dowe, founder of the charity.

Girls who want to play in this season’s game should contact one of the co-founders, either Valena Dowe ((Valena Vacano)) or Aizzel Beck ((Aizzel GossipGirl)) as soon as they can! Spaces are limited, first come, first serve.

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