Columtreal and Seaside Strengthen Ties

1 min read

On Saturday, March 7h, Columtreal University and the Seaside School and Youth Center held the first of a series of events that bridge the two schools and their students together.

CU Dean, Jack Inkpen and CU Student, Danielle Mattelle, planned to have a cookout on Batterie Beach with a campfire, marshmallows and a lesson for the young children.  The new principal of Seaside, Eden Sparrow, was in attendance and delighted at the success of the event.

Jack Inkpen taught the youngsters a lesson about ‘food chains’ by telling them a story about the kelp forest and the creatures who live in it.

CU Professor and former Seaside Principal, Professor Paige Davenport was also in attendance.  Professor Davenport has been quoted as saying, about CU, “I really love this institution, because it serves as a great hub for the creative energies of this community.”

The turn-out for Saturday’s campfire cookout was evidence of CU’s growing commitment to bring that creative energy to the people of Hathian’s community, and especially those who are most in need of it:  The disadvantaged children.



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