CU Clinic – Blood Drive

Give Blood and save lives in hathian!

3 mins read
The CU clinic, with Zofia outside as part of Blood Drive week
Outside the CU Clinic, Nurse Zofia can be seen awaiting blood drive donations

by Girl Behind the Lens – Daiyu Tang

The Hathian Observer was approached by the clinic on the Columtreal Campus to ensure there was sufficient awareness of the blood donation drive that is ongoing for this (and possibly) next week.

It should be fairly obvious that in Hathian, the provision of blood to HGH and the various clinics around town is important due to the demand arising from violence on the streets of Hathian. This is a city where a knife or a gun is often used to settle disputes and as a result the medical professionals staffing our hospitals, clinics and ambulances need to have the materials available to patch you up.

This is where you can now assist by providing a blood donation and in return you will get various benefits.

  • Firstly, you’ll be doing good (and surely this is the most important reason) and ensuring that your fellow citizens can always be treated if they are injured
  • Secondly, the CU Clinic is offering free blood screening as part of the donation. Not only does it protect citizens from any potential transmittable blood diseases it can give you early warning of the same, or cover more basic tests such as blood sugar and so forth. Having your blood tested on a regular basis can help you stay healthy!
  • Finally, the clinic will provide you with a basket of fruit and a sick note for the following day of work in case you need rest from your employment after donating

Our reporter caught up with Clinic head nurse Zofia Lewandowska:

Daiyu: “Zofia, this sounds a great program, how should citizens who want to take part get involved?”

Zofia: “The donation program already started and people who wish to donate can visit us anytime or just call us before on our number to make an appointment, we have enough empty packs for blood, so worry not, everybody can donate!

Daiyu: “Besides from you Zofia, is there anyone else they can contact if you are not around?”

Zofia: “They can call our clinic number for making an appointment or speak to me directly. Our other nurses if they are around, Evangeline and Sarah can also assist, but for the best service come see me!”

Giving blood is a selfless and kind gesture that can save lives. Our reporter Daiyu Tang will be sent over to try out the clinic and see the procedures first hand! The Observer understands donations can be made at the clinic, or even via mobile ambulance.

((Contact sophiahannibal in game if interested in this RP arc!))

Zofia outside the mobile donation ambulance
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