Company Cheer In Time For Christmas?

4 mins read

Industrial chemicals company BeneChems, based in Houston, Texas has pledged money in the spirit of contributing to the city of Hathian.  The money has been pledged to Columtreal University, based in Black Bottom, Hathian.  Kathryn Mertuil of the CU School Board received the sizeable donation of five thousand dollars with thanks,  “I’d like to thank BeneChems for this amazing donation. Thank you darlings. It will go towards coc…wait…I mean, college opportunities like funding for our amazing Track, Basketball and Cheerleading Squad.”

BeneChems representatives Jake Bordeaux and Faye Luckstone explain that the company is looking to expand their base regionally and is considering Hathian as one such region  in terms of establishing another branch of the company.

Jake Bordeaux and Faye Luckstone stand in the CU quad after meeting with the college’s education board

“Our client believes that in order to thrive in such a small, tight knit community, it’s better to come bearing gifts. Not only will BeneChems offer the prospect of employment but by donating to educational institutes in the city, BeneChems hopes to see future generations succeed in life in Hathian.” stated Jake Bordeaux, one of the company’s reps, who appeared to be suffering from heavy bruising and a bandaged nose but declined to comment about  his injuries, saying “That’s unrelated to this article.”

Faye Luckstone, another representative adds, “Empowering and educating the future forces of the city are goals and a future that BeneChems makes possible by donating to educational institutes such as Columtreal University and on behalf of our client, we are also looking forward to possibly creating a social program with community leaders for the betterment of the city, something that will help disadvantaged people. We are currently in talks with the city council and have met with one or two people from there as well as from HPD to discuss where BeneChems can most benefit Hathian.” Ms Luckstone also appeared to be sporting a bruised cheekbone, she also declined to comment on her  apparent injury.

The family  owned chemicals company deal in a number of different chemicals, from agricultural to chemicals found in paint and in pharmaceuticals, as it operates a holding company that owns a few large leading chemical manufacturers and companies. The representatives  state they are, “..Having a good time exploring all the city has to offer , we have enjoyed wining and dining PD officials and talking to the lawyers, therapists and city council members we’ve encountered in the Civil Service Office.” Posing for a picture, they both remained ambigious about concrete details such as where the company will locate to and any dates for plans but Columtreal University appears to have benefited either way, thanks to BeneChems.

((Ed. There are no OOC plans to bring a chemical company or investment to Hathian, as this is just part of a short-term plotline.))



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