An officer of the Hathian Police Department, Ken Eidolon, has allegedly imprisoned a Villia ‘Faye’ Vond only to win the favor of his female companion, according to the former inmate. Furthermore, he allowed this companion to punish Faye in the isolation cells within the premises of the HPD. The brass of HPD have not considered this important enough for further investigation and have not been able to give any concrete results.
Villia ‘Faye’ Vond talked to staff of the Observer on the 18th of September, and described the ordeal she faced in the past 6 days. The first encounter of the three was in the Bon Temp Cigar Lounge. She was seated there alone and the two appeared before her. The officer asked her for her ID, ran the checks, but as Vond describes, did not return it to her, and instead gave it to his companion. The only identification we have this companion is that she had purple hair and carries a spiked bat.
Villia escaped Bon Temp Cigar Lounge, but was confronted again near the cemetery by the burnt out church. Eidolon was alone this time when confronting Villia, and she resisted arrest after feeling she did nothing wrong. However, instead of using his proper police training to take Villia into custody, she recalls how Eidolon violently assaulted her and threatened her life with remarks regarding whether to dump her body with or without clothing on her person. After a random passing bystander witnessed his words, and jumped in to assist Villia, Eidolon suddenly changed his tone and brought Villia in to a jail cell.
Unfortunately, her sentence was not given by the court. Instead the punishment was determined by the purple haired woman companion of officer Ken Eidolon after he illegally brought the woman into the station skipping a security check and allowing a spiked bat into Villia Faye Vond’s cell. The two dragged ‘Faye’ to the Isolation cell and began to torture her.
Eventually a separate officer took notice to Villia’s wounds, and arranged for an ambulance to take her to Hathian General Hospital for an examination and treatment.
While the police department fails to comment on the brutal act, there is security footage from HGH, and current wounds from the victim that back up the statements claimed by her. While the HPD seem to hold back the information that they have, we as a society have to ask ourselves….. Why would they allow such an unprofessional officer on the field and continue to defend him at that?