Terrorist Rhage Krolmskull Turns Self In

2 mins read

At 14:24 Friday, it was observed that Mr. Rhage Krolmskull walked into the Hathian Police Department (HPD) on his own and confessed to the following crimes:

  • Assault on “Roper”
  • Kidnapping and torture and mutilation of “Lumi”
  • Kidnapping and torture of a motor mechanic

Further into the discussions he also took credit for:

  • setting multiple officers on fire
  • drug trafficking

And this man has turned himself in without a fight.

A detective on duty searched him for weapons, stripped him off all of them, and took him straight to the interview room. The reporter was only allowed enough time to learn from Mr. Krolmskull that he decided to turn himself in because of the efforts of none other than a former HPD Lieutenant, David Gutter, who Krolmskull said “steered him right”.

Mr. Krolmskull also stated that he committed these crimes because of the misinformation he was fed about Lumi and Roper. And when he learnt that they were indeed innocent, he could not face his self-conscious for having hurt them; it was against his principles he said.

This goes on to show how important the role of the media is, to provide the right information to the public. We would not have lost the lives of two residents and the trouble that the HPD and the courts will go through in putting this man to justice.

Well here is the message of this terrorist to the public:

“Keep your honor above all….it doesn’t matter if you’re good or not, but in the end, you can keep your honor intact, as long as you do what you believe is the right thing.”

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