Police Hold Conference Over Arson Attack

5 mins read
Budget cuts means that the case has been turned over to the state to investigate.

A police spokesperson  issued this statement at a police conference held today in order to answer questions in light of the arson attack that took place on the Hathian Civil Services building.

” Monday night at approximately 7Pm, an arsonist set fire to the Hathian Civil Services building.  The suspect who we have in custody was arrested by two of our officers who were passing by at the time.  These officers, though they were taking part in the labor dispute between the city and the union, took action to apprehend theses individuals.   The suspect stated to us that she was targeting the Civil Services section of the building, and any other damage was collateral.  We have turned this case over to the State Detectives as I’m sure you well know we currently have no one to investigate this case, so we expect the suspect should be released soon.  This is of course beyond our control and would not happen if we had the proper budget.  However, this is the reality we live in.” (Floor open to questions as indicated by the spokesperson, with answers below)

H.Observer: Why was the arson attack carried out and how much damage was done? If the damage is extensive, what will this mean for the citizens of Hathian?

HPD spokesperson:  “We are still waiting on the report form the Arson Investigator from the State police, as I said before we no longer have our own detective division to turn to.  This is very much an open investigation at a state level.”

H.Observer: In your statement, the suspect claims to have been targeting the Civil Services – with this confession, how long will the suspect be detained for, will they be under surveillance once released, and how long will it take for the investigation to press charges against the individual?

HPD spokesperson: “The suspect is under arrest,  however whether these charges will be brought to a court is up to the state. The investigation has been handed over to the state, and that will be up to the state. We no longer have the resources to investigate crimes like this and we certainly do not have the resources to conduct surveillance.  I will add that this would all have been in our power if we had a adequate  budget from the city.”

H. Observer: Could you give us a possible motive behind the arsonist attack?

HPD spokesperson: : “I cannot talk about that- this is still very much an ongoing investigation.”

The state will provide the answers to these questions once they have completed their investigation – but this means the citizens of Hathian cannot expect any quick answers as to why this act of arson was carried out in the first place, although Denise Domelaan employee of the Hathian Civil Services as City Inspector, is thought to be the suspect under arrest and awaiting charges, if they are proven against her.

UPDATE: Thanks to swift work by the State of Louisiana and their investigators, the building was found to have no structural damage whatsoever, and after a clean up crew ravaged the Civil Services office, along with adjoining Bail Enforcement Agency next door, both businesses have reopened to full capacity, pending a new paint job in both rooms to be handled within the week.While questions of motive & suspects remain, interruption of city services has been minimal.

Closed to the public: the arson attack on the civil service building is an ongoing investigation



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