Lingerie Bowl’s Second Quarter

1 min read

Just in time to get us hyped up for the ever popular Super Bowl Sunday, the seemingly staple Lingerie Bowl was held for the second time around in the Columtreal gym with a larger crowd than last game.

Greenlee Morrisey's last minute touchdown that tied the game.

With a large audience in the bleachers, Hathian’s very own Brown Nosers and Blue Ballers went at it in a rough game of contact football, though oddly enough, captain Valena Dowe sat this game out, instead choosing to don a full length blue rabbit costume and cheer the players on from the sidelines while interacting with the crowd.

Many return players were there, such as the captains and Callista Kharg, as well as some new faces, including that of Reesa Sula, and the Observer’s very own Perina McGinnis.

This time around, points were actually scored, though just like the last game, it ended up being a draw. The final score was 6-6, with touchdowns scored by Honey Hoffman of the Blue Ballers, and Greenlee Morrisey of the Brown Nosers.

As the Super Bowl signals the end of the football season, we have to say goodbye to Lingerie Bowl for now, though coordinators assure it will be back, and with a vengeance.

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