Ground Broken on New College

2 mins read


Hathian – City planners broke ground on the new University last week in the new Black Bottom district.

The mayor’s office put out a press release that said “We are really excited about the possibility of increased revenue from increased population”

Citizens rejoice at the thoughts of college students invading Hathian, while others cringe.  The grind has been seeing dollar signs since the unknown attacks on other local establishments; more people, especially college students, could only mean more of the same.

A local hospital worries that the influx in people will also mean an influx in cases. Since the recent shortage of employees, the hospital has been on the verge of overflow with cases. More people will put heavy strain on medical staff.

City planners discussed a possible restriction of the city as a whole, forcing business to spread out in an effort to change the population density. This may mean an increase in construction based Jobs that are already on the rise thanks to the new university contract.

A few organizations started scholarship funds to help students in need. Rumors flew about a known philanthropist, Lars Calhern, mused about chartering the Rub Too Much Scholar Fund, in an effort to get lonely kids off to school. He hopes they can better themselves, purchase a wife, or at least a massage from the Rub n’ Tug.

Cops received warning of upcoming parties and the possibility of drug and alcohol use.  They planed to enforce a ban on firearms on and around the campus.


Stay Tuned for further developments in this story.

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