Wicked Studios Has A New Owner – Ael

2 mins read

By: Venus Mari Zapedzki

The new owner of Laveau’s Wicked Studios has plans for the studios, but at the moment she’s keeping them secret.

The owner, who goes by the name of Ael, recently became owner of the highly successful porn studios, reckoned by some to be the number one porn studio in south Louisiana.

She confirms the business is still booming and she’s taken over a thriving concern. “Everybody wants to diddle themselves” she points out and goes on to say “People are more open to agreeing that everybody diddles themselves I think it’s because they all think it’s fine when a streaming porn star is on the other end,” adding “Diddling alone is the only real taboo.”

Ael intends to keep up Wicked Studios’ existing range of videos, producing both live streaming porn and pre-recorded videos. She won’t commit herself as to which is the more popular, but she admits that the streamers can rake in the money. and for her, the money is the important thing. She is, she says, not a pervert but is in fact motivated by making money., and, as she says, “people like smut”.

So what are her plans for developing the studios? She won’t say. All she will say is that, in the weeks to come, the people who want to escape the taboo of diddling alone will be able to find plenty of ways to do so.

Moral? No. But profitable. And in today’s climate in America is anyone going to prevent a woman making money legally?

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