Dr. Victor Grimwald, a brilliant but twisted physician, presided over the asylum with a cold, clinical detachment. Known for his unorthodox and cruel experiments on the criminally insane, Grimwald believed he could cure madness through suffering. In the darkened halls of Laveau, Grimwald subjected his patients to nightmarish treatments. He injected them with mysterious serums, locked them in sensory deprivation chambers, and performed surgeries without anesthesia. The screams of the tormented echoed through the asylum, but the walls kept their secrets, and no one dared to question the doctor’s methods. As months turned into years, the weight of his own atrocities began to bear down on Dr. Grimwald. He was haunted by the eyes of the patients he had mutilated, their silent pleas for mercy tormenting his every waking moment. Slowly, the lines between doctor and patient blurred, and Grimwald’s sanity frayed like a threadbare cloth. One stormy night, as lightning flashed and thunder rumbled through the asylum, Grimwald’s mind finally shattered. He began to see the ghosts of his victims, their ghastly figures moving through the shadows, whispering accusations and promises of revenge. The staff, too fearful to intervene, watched as the once-dominant doctor descended into madness. The head of the asylum, seeing no other option, had Grimwald committed to one of the very cells where he had tortured his patients. Now locked away, Grimwald experienced the full horror of his own methods. The other inmates, who had suffered so terribly under his care, saw their chance for vengeance. One night, under the cover of darkness, the patients overpowered the guards and stormed Grimwald’s cell. They dragged him to the very rooms where he had inflicted so much pain and began to exact their revenge. They strapped him to the operating table, injected him with his own experimental serums, and subjected him to the tortures he had once so gleefully administered Grimwald’s screams echoed through the asylum, a chilling symphony of pain and despair. But there was no mercy for the mad doctor. The patients’ retribution was swift and brutal, and by dawn, Grimwald lay dead, his body a grotesque testament to his own cruelty. Yet, the story of Dr. Victor Grimwald did not end with his death. To this day, the halls of Laveau Asylum are said to be haunted by the specter of the doctor, eternally tormented by the ghosts of his victims. Staff and patients alike whisper of his ghostly figure wandering the corridors, his anguished cries echoing through the night. And those who dare to visit Laveau Asylum often feel a cold, spectral presence, a reminder of the terrible price of unchecked cruelty and the ghostly justice that finally found Dr. Grimwald opened and slammed a door in the middle of the silent listening downstairs.