Andy ‘Fallullah’ Fabers – Reporterage Is Easy

Free Cardboard Cut-Out For Your Business!

1 min read

By: Andy Fabers,

Foreword by: Hathian Observer Staff

The Observer staff write: With our boss on a break we’ve asked for contributions from the great and the good from Hathian. First (and by no means least) to step up to the siren call of being a reporter was Andy ‘Blood Bags’ Fabers who sold to us a story that she would manage a ‘day in the life’ reporting of things that were important to you, Citizens of Hathian. Knowing how our boss loves to appeal to you, ‘readers’, (Daiyu, stuckup? Never…) we think we’re living up to her high editorial bar. We can even ask Yua Matsomethingmoto, to proofread as well.

The article is presented as Andy intended. For those who are unable to follow this, there is a photographic version provided. The headline photo is also as intended for a bigger than life reporter, we present readers with the chance to create their own life-size Andy Cut-out. Place her in your home, at your business. Results guaranteed!

((File below is a PDF file, but if you prefer not to download, you can click photo versions))

Photo Versions – click to expand:

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