Don’t Tread On Me

3 mins read

Strong words that may have been forgotten?

Police corruption, gang activity, murder. It is all the headlines read and yet we go about our day to day lives. There is someone working behind the counter at the Gein, bartenders serving drinks, doctors and nurses tending to the sick and wounded, and police officers arresting people and going on calls reported.

We live in a society where we crave violence, sex, and drugs. Or is it that we just live in Hathian where it is all a plenty? Shock value has been lost. The man to woman dressed up all year long as if it is Halloween goes unnoticed. Their psychopathic need to be seen as taboo is not being gained or is it here in Hathian they may be themselves? Do we even care anymore?

Little by little, day by day, we are being desensitized to the point we have found ourselves in the extremes. Violence capitol of America. What brings shock? Innocence, a nice gesture, a please or thank you to a friendly smile. That is what has become taboo in a city where everyone is aiming to be the Big Bad Wolf.

The idea of HOPE is what now tries to sell. What has HOPE ever done for anyone, but bring warm fuzzy feelings to their hearts and belly? Hope in one hand and shit in another, Hathian, and see what fills up faster.

Get off the street corners. Stop being cattle and cut off the food supply and become a predator yourself. There are more average citizens than there are criminals. If you rally, who is to stop you? The law? The gangs? This country was not built upon listening to those who tread upon you… this country was built upon blood! Take back what is yours Hathian. Stop HOPING and DO SOMETHING.

Your wake-up call has been delivered. What am I doing you may ask? I have set the first peg. I refuse to be a meal. I refuse to be desensitized by social media to this very paper. I am refusing to be treaded upon and remember my fellow readers. The only power a person has is the power we allow them.

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