CU Health Clinic Under New Management

4 mins read

On December 23, 2014 two of Louisiana’s finest doctors received an early Christmas gift.  Medical doctor, Dr. Cayne Hayes and psychiatric doctor, Dr. Grace Johnson were approved to take over management of the Columtreal University Clinic, more widely known as CU Clinic.   A reporter from the Hathian Observer caught up with both of them for an interview on Christmas Eve.

Reporter: Dr. Hayes, Dr. Johnson, what drove you to want to take up the task of getting the Clinic back up and running again?
Dr. Cayne Hayes: It was an easy decision really. I saw a place that had potential that wasn’t being put to its full use and I reacted. There needs to be a place not only CU students can go to get good cheap medical attention but also those of Hathian.

The Clinic is proud of it’s affordable rates, even offering free to discounted services. It is strictly a non-profit organization surviving off donations and volunteer work. CU Students can expect to receive free generic medications with their student ID and of course prescription along with 20% off your medical bills. The CU Clinic welcomes even those non-students. Hathianites may take advantage of their free services run through the week.

Dr. Grace Johnson: Just as Dr. Hayes said, it was an easy decision.  We have the hospital for those with insurance or disposable incomes and to handle the crisises that frequent Hathian.  But we needed an affordable place for the day to day, less emergent cases.

One of the chief complaints I hear at HGH is that the hospital can be intimidating when it comes to counseling services, STD testing, the sniffles, etc.  Wouldn’t it be nice to get a pap smear or an HIV test without having to sit in a bed next to a mad bomber or a criminal who just cut people down with a scythe? {laughing} We are hoping to keep the Clinic a bit more low key.

Reporter: : How can someone come to volunteer at the Clinic?
Dr. Cayne Hayes: Just come on in and apply for the position to get access to our computers and charts. Of course if you are applying as a physician or nurse we do require your license to practice and will be thoroughly checking credentials, but, we are hoping to have counseling groups run by students and any of you med or dental students out there want some hands on practice come volunteer on Good Luck Saturday!

Dr. Grace Johnson:  Help is welcome! But we will try to stagger our volunteers and staff to cover the most time slots and not have five people standing around waiting for a walk in.  Again, trying to avoid being intimidating! There are ways other than reception and phone answering to volunteer as well.  We could always use PR volunteers.  Event planning volunteers. Even people willing to hand out fliers or business cards.

Reporter:  How are you planning to get the word out?
Dr. Grace Johnson:   Events!  Word of mouth.  Working with the campus faculty and staff, as well as local businesses. Newspaper articles. {laughing} And we have a twitter now.  Hopefully our services, staff, and care with patients will speak for itself.

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